Killi we Nwachukwu: The story of an Igbo Superman
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  • Killi we Nwachukwu: The story of an Igbo Superman

Uzoma Nwaozuzu Nwachukwu, was an Igbo Superman. He hailed from Mbaitolu in Imo state, South Eastern Nigeria. He was born in 1931 and died on October 31, 1992.

He was nicknamed Killi-we Nwachukwu because of his enormous natural strength.

Killi-we Nwachukwu was for more than three decades celebrated as a homegrown Nigerian superman. Some of his legendary feats of strength included lifting buses, having cement blocks crushed on his head, allowing cars to drive over his body, using his teeth to carry bags of cement, using bare hands to hammer nails, breaking coconuts on his head, six people standing on his body at the same time, etc.

How He Got His Nickname - Killi-we

Killi-we is a nickname he got after a fight with a stubborn man called Tick man, who refused to pay him his money for a truckload of goods he conveyed from the market to the man's house. He used to push a wooden two-wheel truck with which he conveyed merchandise for individuals. After dropping off the goods, the man refused to pay what Nwachukwu charged him, claiming it was on the high side. He tried to walk away and Nwachukwu grabbed him by hand insisting he must pay. A fight erupted and he outmuscled the man and pinned him to the ground. The man's wife ran in and came out with a wooden pestle to assist her husband. Nwachukwu snatched it from her, lifted the woman up, and pinned her on top of her husband on the floor. Feeble, she began shouting, Killi we o! Nwachukwu, You should killi we o!, which means, Nwachukwu, kill us! This was how his nickname came about. The story was hilarious.

Below are things that differ Kiliwi nwachulwi from modern days supermen

1. He doesn't have six or eight packs

Modern days supermen are mostly known to have muscular bodies including six or eight-packs.

Probably what differs them and Kiliwi is the fact that modern days superman uses the usual gymnasium

2. His body is natural

Though modern days supermen also possess natural strength, when it comes to body size the case is always different as most of them would do all they can to build their bodies to a targeted size.

What this implies is that Kiliwi is all natural and has full differences from modern days supermen.


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