Elmina Castle
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The St. George’s Castle Museum is located within St. George’s Castle (often called ‘Elmina Castle’), a fortress in the Central Region. This museum was established in 1996 through the joint efforts of GMMB, the United States Agency for International Development and the Mid-West Universities Consortium for International Activities.  The purpose of the museum is to educate the public on the history of St. George’s Castle, as well as to preserve the cultural heritage of the Central Region. Exhibits include: photographs representing the images of St. George’s Castle across the centuries; displays on the Asantes of Elmina, and on local trading activities with the Europeans; gold weights; shackles; murals; local textiles, stools, stone implements, ceramics, bottles, clay, glass and beads. The museum provides tours of St. George’s Castle.

Visitors may absorb the sights of the former storehouses and slave dungeons, chapels and governor’s chamber. Another scene of interest is the cell where a King of Asante was once held prisoner.

Visitors will also be afforded the opportunity to capture some bird’s eye photographs of the surrounding harbours, fishing boats, and the nearby Fort St Jago, all from the battlements of the four-storey St. George’s Castle.

After a tour of the castle, a chance to rejuvenate is on hand at the museum’s restaurant and bar. A bookstore and a gift shop are also available, and the museum provides visitors with access to a car park.  There is an open courtyard for outdoor activities.

Opening Hours

The castle’s opening hours are 9:00am to 4:30pm daily.


Near By Accommodation

Coconut Grove Bridge House

Elmina Beach Resort

Elmina Bay Resort

Coconut Grove Beach Resort


Entrance fees are as follows:

The museum’s opening hours are 9:00am and 4:30pm daily.

Contact Details:

Ghana Museums & Monuments Board
Central and Western Regions
Cape Coast Castle
Cape Coast
+233 57 668 9142

Tel +233-3321-32529/ 03321-32701


Nearby Attractions

Cape Coast Castle

Kakum National Park

UPPER Fort St Jago / Fort Conraadsburg

Forty San Sabastien

Ahanta Waves Surf School

Read History of the Elminia Castle



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